Luke 10:1-11, 16-20
“Be Vulnerable” (Sending the Seventy-ish)
Our togetherness begins here, in the season after Pentecost, “Ordinary” time. Until Advent, we will continue to count off the weeks following Pentecost. The color of Ordinary Time is green. Green represents the growth and maturity that unfurls through time as we step into the life of mutual care the Kingdom of God represents.
We don’t grow without being a bit stretched. Being uncomfortable and challenged is rarely something we appreciate in the moment. This July, we will explore the ways Jesus invites people to step forward into awkward and challenging situations. We will begin with several passages at the end of Luke 10 found nowhere else in the Gospels and end with Jesus’ admonition to both bluntly ask for what we need and let go of our plans.
Our texts this month suggest vulnerability, compassion, presence, and persistence are qualities to cultivate on our spiritual journey.