modern mosaic paul, curvilinear elements


Lenten Study 4 – 3-10-24

Trinity 511 Oak Street, Colusa, CA, United States

Lent is a season of reconsideration, fasting, and preparation for the Easter.
Drop in for any or all of our six Lenten Sunday scripture studies, (2/18, 2/25, 3/3, 3/10, 3/17, 3/24). Each study is about 45 minutes long. Reflection pages are provided each week.

Easter Chime Choir Practice 3-17-24

Trinity 511 Oak Street, Colusa, CA, United States

Easter Chime Choir Easter chime choir will again perform on Easter Sunday. Rehearsals are Sunday mornings before service. Please contact Elizabeth Y. for more information.

Lenten Study 5 – 3-17-24

Trinity 511 Oak Street, Colusa, CA, United States

Lent is a season of reconsideration, fasting, and preparation for the Easter.
Drop in for any or all of our six Lenten Sunday scripture studies, (2/18, 2/25, 3/3, 3/10, 3/17, 3/24). Each study is about 45 minutes long. Reflection pages are provided each week.

Easter Chime Choir Practice 3-24-24

Trinity 511 Oak Street, Colusa, CA, United States

Easter Chime Choir Easter chime choir will again perform on Easter Sunday. Rehearsals are Sunday mornings before service. Please contact Elizabeth Y. for more information.

Lenten Study 6 – 3-24-24

Trinity 511 Oak Street, Colusa, CA, United States

Lent is a season of reconsideration, fasting, and preparation for the Easter.
Drop in for any or all of our six Lenten Sunday scripture studies, (2/18, 2/25, 3/3, 3/10, 3/17, 3/24). Each study is about 45 minutes long. Reflection pages are provided each week.

Good Friday Prayer Space 3-29-24

Trinity 511 Oak Street, Colusa, CA, United States

This year's Good Friday self-guided prayer space will be open from 11 am to 1 pm. You are invited to enter into some moments of quiet contemplation in the sanctuary, meditating on the way of the cross, and lighting candles.

Easter Sunday 3-31-24

Trinity 511 Oak Street, Colusa, CA, United States

Join us for Easter Sunday service at 10:00am. This joyful service includes the joining of new members. Coffee hour to follow. Anyone may attend regardless of religious background, belief, Christian experience, or church affiliation.

Ad Council 4-7-24

Trinity 511 Oak Street, Colusa, CA, United States

all members are encouraged to attend this business meeting Sunday, April 7th 11:00am meets in Lounge after worship

Staff Parish Relations Committee 4-12-24

Trinity 511 Oak Street, Colusa, CA, United States

closed meeting, please contact Elizabeth Y. to learn about this committee Friday, April 12th lunch meeting: drinks provided, bring a sack lunch

Sound Space Mini-Concert 4-14-24 11:30am

Trinity 511 Oak Street, Colusa, CA, United States

Sound Space Mini Concert! April 14th, 2024 11:30am Fourteen 4th and 5th graders have been led by two youth leaders and three music teachers for the last seven weeks in our pilot run of our childen's music program for the entire community, Sound Space! Stay late in on April 14th and listen as a handful […]

Early Christian Study 1 – 4-21-24

Trinity 511 Oak Street, Colusa, CA, United States

Lent is a season of reconsideration, fasting, and preparation for the Easter.
Drop in for any or all of our six Lenten Sunday scripture studies, (2/18, 2/25, 3/3, 3/10, 3/17, 3/24). Each study is about 45 minutes long. Reflection pages are provided each week.

Early Christian Study 2- 4-28-24

Trinity 511 Oak Street, Colusa, CA, United States

Lent is a season of reconsideration, fasting, and preparation for the Easter.
Drop in for any or all of our six Lenten Sunday scripture studies, (2/18, 2/25, 3/3, 3/10, 3/17, 3/24). Each study is about 45 minutes long. Reflection pages are provided each week.