1st-4th CE. Chi Rho, Alpha Omega - Sousse Archaeological Museum


Growing in Faith 6 – 2-11-24

Trinity 511 Oak Street, Colusa, CA, United States

Join us for six weeks of reflection and invitation. Growing in Faith is a short series inviting you to learn more about your own faith and our Methodist tradition. Info & Registration Here

Staff Parish Relations Committee 2-11-24

Trinity 511 Oak Street, Colusa, CA, United States

closed meeting, please contact Elizabeth Y. to learn about this committee Sunday, February 11th meeting after coffee hour meets in Sanctuary

Hand Up Lunch 2-12-24

Presbyterian Church 261 Fourth Street, Colusa, CA, United States

Mondays in February, 11:20am meets at Presbyterian Church see Carolyn G. or Elizabeth Y. to help

Easter Chime Choir Practice 2-18-24

Trinity 511 Oak Street, Colusa, CA, United States

Easter Chime Choir Easter chime choir will again perform on Easter Sunday. Rehearsals are Sunday mornings before service. Please contact Elizabeth Y. for more information.

Lenten Study 1 – 2-18-24

Trinity 511 Oak Street, Colusa, CA, United States

Lent is a season of reconsideration, fasting, and preparation for the Easter.
Drop in for any or all of our six Lenten Sunday scripture studies, (2/18, 2/25, 3/3, 3/10, 3/17, 3/24). Each study is about 45 minutes long. Reflection pages are provided each week.

Hand Up Lunch 2-19-24

Presbyterian Church 261 Fourth Street, Colusa, CA, United States

Mondays in February, 11:20am meets at Presbyterian Church see Carolyn G. or Elizabeth Y. to help

Easter Chime Choir Practice 2-25-24

Trinity 511 Oak Street, Colusa, CA, United States

Easter Chime Choir Easter chime choir will again perform on Easter Sunday. Rehearsals are Sunday mornings before service. Please contact Elizabeth Y. for more information.

Lenten Study 2 – 2-25-24

Trinity 511 Oak Street, Colusa, CA, United States

Lent is a season of reconsideration, fasting, and preparation for the Easter.
Drop in for any or all of our six Lenten Sunday scripture studies, (2/18, 2/25, 3/3, 3/10, 3/17, 3/24). Each study is about 45 minutes long. Reflection pages are provided each week.

Hand Up Lunch 2-26-24

Presbyterian Church 261 Fourth Street, Colusa, CA, United States

Mondays in February, 11:20am meets at Presbyterian Church see Carolyn G. or Elizabeth Y. to help

Easter Chime Choir Practice 3-3-24

Trinity 511 Oak Street, Colusa, CA, United States

Easter Chime Choir Easter chime choir will again perform on Easter Sunday. Rehearsals are Sunday mornings before service. Please contact Elizabeth Y. for more information.

Lenten Study 3 – 3-3-24

Trinity 511 Oak Street, Colusa, CA, United States

Lent is a season of reconsideration, fasting, and preparation for the Easter.
Drop in for any or all of our six Lenten Sunday scripture studies, (2/18, 2/25, 3/3, 3/10, 3/17, 3/24). Each study is about 45 minutes long. Reflection pages are provided each week.

Easter Chime Choir Practice 3-10-24

Trinity 511 Oak Street, Colusa, CA, United States

Easter Chime Choir Easter chime choir will again perform on Easter Sunday. Rehearsals are Sunday mornings before service. Please contact Elizabeth Y. for more information.